How do I contact a buyer or seller on Jawa?
You can message a buyer or seller from their profile page - except in the case of a buyer that used guest checkout (which we will cover further down below).
While on a user's profile page, you will see the option to message as shown in the example below - click on that to be taken to the inbox screen where you can send your message!
How do I send the seller a message about a specific product?
Find the listing for the product you are interested in - in the example below, you can see the seller's profile photo, store name, and an icon that looks a text bubble as shown below:
Clicking on that icon will bring you to an inbox screen where you can send a message specifically in regard to that seller's listing as shown below:
From this message screen, you can also add the item to cart, Wishlist it, or make the seller an offer - handy, right?!
Where can I learn more about a seller?
You can search for a specific seller if you know their store name using the search bar - but you can also click on their profile from any of their product listings. Their profile can include links to their socials - make sure you check out your favorite seller's pages and follow them to show your support!
Can I follow my favorite sellers and be notified when they list new items?
You absolutely can! While on a seller's profile page, there is a "Follow" button you can click to follow that seller. You will get email notifications to your registered email account whenever that seller lists a new item! You can also follow a seller from any of their listing pages by clicking on the heart icon as shown below.
A buyer purchased with guest checkout - how can I contact them?
You can contact a buyer that used guest checkout from your "My Sales" page and opening up the relevant invoice. On the invoice page you will see an option to "Message Buyer" - guest users will get a notification that you have messaged them to the email used for their order.
I really like a particular seller - is there a way for me to get notifications when they list a new item?
If you want to get an email whenever one of your favorite sellers lists a new item, make sure you are following them! This can be done easily from their profile page or any of their recent product listings by clicking the follow button!
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