Returns on Jawa
You are protected every time you make a purchase on Jawa through our Jawa Money Back Guarantee.
We will give you a full refund if your item never arrived or does not match the listing description. Otherwise, all sales are final. The order becomes non-refundable 48 hours after the item has arrived at your address.
Please note: All returns require a UPS or USPS drop off receipt if requested by support.
We require this to show the package was dropped off and the return label used without alteration as well as the package weight being verified to ensure contents are present.
Refund Policy
When you make a purchase on Jawa, we don't release payment to the seller until 48 hours after delivery. You have a 48 hour window to inspect the item and inform Jawa if the item has been misrepresented.
If any of the following pertain to your order, please report the problem by opening up a dispute on your order or emailing immediately:
- Undisclosed damage
- Incorrect or missing item (Please note: items in your order may be coming from different sellers, in different packages).
- Item not as described
- Item is not authentic
If no claim is made within 2 days of delivery, payment will be automatically released to the seller. Once payment has been released, all sales are final and no refunds will be provided.
What is not covered?
- Changed Mind - If you no longer want the item, returns may be accepted in a case by case basis. For any returns of this type, buyer will be required to pay return shipping and platform fees from their refund. Item must be shipped back in the condition it was received.
When dropping off a return, please request a receipt to show the return was dropped off.
Returned items must be shipped back in the condition they were received with original packaging.
- Trades and Offline Transactions - Jawa does not cover trades or transactions completed off the Jawa platform. When payment for the full value of items is not exchanged through the Jawa platform, we cannot guarantee that both parties will ship and transact as promised. You bear all risks associated with such transactions. Taking any part of a transaction, including discussion about details or negotiations off Jawa is a violation of community guidelines.
Cancelling Sales
Jawa sales are binding, though they may become void in certain circumstances:
- Seller may void a sale if the buyer does not meet stated, required criteria for buying.
- If the seller advertises US-only shipping and the buyer is in a different country, the seller may void the sale.
- Seller may void a sale if the buyer requests unreasonable shipping methods or handling times (e.g. overnight shipping).
- Seller may not (in good standing) void a sale because they forgot to include shipping costs
- Seller may void a sale if they suspect fraud on the part of the buyer - in event of suspected fraud the seller must notify Jawa immediately
If a buyer requests a sale to be voided due to "buyer's remorse", the seller is not obligated to accept a return. Any refund in "buyer's remorse" situations should be less any fees. Jawa sale fees are not refundable in such situations.
When does the refund tend to happen in the case that a sale is canceled before the item is shipped?
From what I read it's 2 days (48 hours). Is that what you mean?
Well when I do I get my money I mean it’s been a couple days so I know it hasn’t happened yet but when can I expect it in my account
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